Saturday, July 14, 2012


Alabama Visit:

Well, we had a nice time in Alabama with Joe & Brenda.  We enjoyed a 4th of July fireworks display in a small town near their house and camped in their driveway for about another two weeks before returning to Texas on the 10th
We also went up into the Vulcan statue in Birmingham and they took us on a tour of the city, including many of the key sites of the riots and the mining of iron ore.  I didn’t know that Birmingham had such a strong history of mining.  The Vulcan statue is the largest iron statue in the world. 
On another day we went to the American Village in Montevallo, AL.  This was both educational and entertaining.  We got to participate as a volunteer in General Washington’s army and also became a spy against the British.  We even got to meet General Washington!  It’s a shame that although we defeated the British during the revolutionary war, Obama wants us to become more like them today.  The American ideal stems from freedom from an oppressive government and yes that comes with responsibility and consequences for the choices we make.  Something our legal system, government, and many people often seem to forget.  If you want a Big Brother government, move to Europe.  Read the book entitled “1984” if you want to see the potential results of the direction that Obama is taking this country.
Enough political commentary. We are now back in Texas and taking all of our belongings out of our travel trailer and cleaning it up for the next owners.  We will be delivering it tomorrow and our new one should be ready in about 10 days so we will be temporarily homeless.  Luckily our daughter has offered to let us stay there for a while and then we will go back to Alabama to our friend’s house for a few days as well, before picking up our new trailer.  It is both scary and exciting as we transition into our new lives.

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